Welcome to my personal website, I am
Mawit Bikom Gad, A full-stack web developer

I am a self-taught full-stack web developer with a passion for creating dynamic and responsive websites. With expertise in JavaScript, UI/UX design, database schema design, and software architecture design, I specialize in making intuitive and well-designed web applications.


Featured projects

litumba preview project


litumba is a web app that aims at providing a centralized online platform, where members of the Bakweri tribe in Cameroon can meet, share and grow both socially and economically.

litumba preview project


Ndolo is an online dating platform for Cameroonians leaving abroad, this web app is out to reduce the stress that Cameroonians living out of the country have in terms of finding a partner that shares their cultural morals and values.

litumba preview project

Personal project

As a web developer, I need to have a personal platform where I can showcase my latest projects and capabilities, and tell the world more about myself. this exactly is the purpose of my personal website


My stack


html logoHtml 5
html logoCss 3
html logoJavaScript


html logoNext js
html logoExpress js
html logoNode js


html logoReact js
html logoAxios
html logoRedux
html logosocket.io


html logoMongodb


html logoMongoose
html logoPrisma

Version control

html logogit
html logogithub


html logoSCSS
html logoTailwind css


html logoHeroku
html logoVercel

About me

I am a self-motivated individual with a passion for problem-solving and helping others using technology. Through self-study, I have gained a wealth of knowledge in both front-end and back-end development. I am constantly learning and experimenting with new technologies.

In addition to web development, I love reading about the latest tech trends and advancements, and I often write articles about my findings. I believe that staying up-to-date with the latest technologies is crucial for creating modern and innovative web applications.

On this website, you will find information about my latest projects and my experience as a web developer. I am always excited to learn and grow, so feel free to reach out and connect with me!

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